One morning this week, I captured the sun just as it came up over the tree line. We are loving the new view minus the pines.
Spring is still doing its best to pop out here. The trees are either budding beautifully or dropping their leaves right on time (live oak leaf drop season is spring). The camellias have their last blooms on them this week and the azaleas are popping out all over the neighborhood. I added some day lilies to my front bed. I happened to come across some more Alabama Jubilees and one called South Seas. Jeff says I pick my day lilies because of their names and he might be right.
In my last post, I had been so busy that I didn't cover all my goings on in that post, so here are a couple other things I did in February and early March....
Jeff and I along with friends went to Pensacola one evening to see Sean of the South and Three on a String. Saying it was good doesn't even come close to the experience we had. Seriously, we all left in the very best mood talking about it all the way home.
The tickets to this had been purchased back in early December - before we took the trip with friends to Atlanta and the holiday lights at Calloway Gardens. You may remember that trip was not as easy as I had hoped.
I sort of thought to myself after that trip that we would do this one with the friends, but I would not plan anymore trips like this with friends. I put out of my mind until about a week before. Jeff seemed fine so as it approached time I thought he would be ok. The night before the event I panicked big time. He was putting off the driving to Pensacola on our friends and I could see his anxiety. We had even driven over to Pensacola to check out the parking over the weekend prior to the Thursday night event. Here is the thing...I know Pensacola as well as I know Fort Walton Beach. I spent my entire life going there...I am completely comfortable driving there. I tried to assure him of that, but this new Parkinson's thing attacks him at random times with anxiety that I have explained before is so NOT my Jeff.
Anywho, when he kind of pawned off the driving to Mike which again is not like him...I went into panic mode. Was this going to be like the December trip? After talking to my wiser than years daughter, she said I really needed to talk to my friend Cindy and let them know what it might be like. I heeded her advice and let Cindy know how the Atlanta trip had gone and that I sensed Jeff getting anxious about the parking and getting there on time, etc.
Bottom line: that was a good idea and God guided me the whole time. Parking could not have been easier with hardly any walk to the theatre. The event was in historic downtown Pensacola that I love so much. The seats were incredible and the music and stories were amazing.
If either Sean or the group is ever near you ---Run to it. The music was so good. It covered all genres and I truly can't say enough about it.
Tucker's first field day happened. I enjoyed it so much. You know being a teacher I really missed my own children's field days. Jeff would attend them, but often I was dealing with my own class while my kids had field day. I got to watch and enjoy my oldest grandson have fun. I just wish the powers that be would not do Field Day in March. It can be 60 something degrees and freezing. The wind here in this month can make the same temps seem completely different depending on said winds. It happened to be a cold day for his field day:)
This week has been lots of baseball games but mostly at home during the days which I needed. Friday, I kept Tucker and Palmer because there was a teacher workday. Spring break is this next week. Katie brought Miles and Valerie over to play. I had to take Mama to get her nails done but brought her back over for play time. I think she thoroughly enjoyed watching them all. It is loud with 3 boys in the house.
I have done a good bit of stitching this week and will share soon on Valerie's name.
Bad weather is expected today and I am trying not to listen to the weather reports because they are scaring me. I have the alerts set, but I can't just listen constantly to it.
My dad's first cousin posted this prayer poem today ....(I thought it to be very appropriate.
Until next week,
It's so hard to deal with changes. I have some problems with riding in a vehicle after an accident we had a few years ago. But I am trying to overcome it and not let it hold me back. We all have to make adjustments and having family and friends to talk to helps as well. Love the first photo! WOW!
ReplyDeleteI love that prayer and haven't heard it in years. It all came back and I could almost recite it by heart! Thank you for that blessing, Sandy! I saw Sean of the South with my sister last year, up in Georgia. It was wonderful. I have one of his books and bought a CD while at the concert. Yes, everyone should go see him!! Sending a hug!! xo