Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Astronaut Wives' Club

I have already shared my obsession for space history. My collection of space memorabilia is still something I want to share someday.

These are two posts from my teaching blog that help a little explaining my obsession.


Soooo.... it is no surprise that the NON-TV watcher has fallen in love with the new ABC show.

It is little melodramatic for TV, but I look forward to Thursday evenings, so that I can stop everything and tune in. Since I am not a TV watcher, it has been hard training the Hubby that everything has to stop and no interruptions allowed!
The story I know, but what really gets me is the detail that has gone into the set and costumes. The casting has been perfect. The clothing is spot on!!! Their homes are so correct, and I even love to look at the food dishes. They have done an excellent job.

Of course, I always say read the book. It is a great read.

Spaced out,


  1. I read the book and I really liked it! Of course, living near Huntsville, AL we hear a lot about the astronauts. When I drive by Space Camp on I 565 and see the big rockets, I am still impressed.

  2. We need to start at the beginning and watch this. I've heard many good things, and like you, I love the aesthetic details in the clothing and home decor.

    1. I don't often get excited about TV programs, but II would say this one is worth going back to watch from the beginning.


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