The tagline for my blog is ...
a blog about decorating, stitching, baking, gardening, family, and walking a faith filled life. Truthfully, I just changed stitching from sewing and baking from cooking as I do more of the former rather than the latter. I have not been a great blogger and for good reason. I have had the absolute treasure of keeping my grandson since January of 2019. It has been tough as I am not getting younger, but one of the greatest gifts.
I have treasured every single day and might have been tearful last night as I laid down and thought about how I wouldn't have him with me today. He is off to daycare and I have spent most of this day in prayer for him and my daughter.
When he has settled into a new routine and I know more about his scheduled day I will go and get him at least for an afternoon or morning once a week just because I want to and Lindsay says I can.
With all that said, August will still be a bit busy for me because I am trading one type of caregiving for another with Mother. I do hope to find some balance in the next few weeks and get back to blogging and figure out all the kinks with the new blogger and the comments or lack of comments coming to email, etc., etc., etc.
For today, I thought I would talk about the faith journey and some quotes that passed by me and caused me to think. Then if the creeks don't rise I will share some new cross stitching and other items in my tagline on a more regular basis.
I tuned in yesterday to not only my church's message, but the children's portion as well. I didn't attend in person as cases are rising, Jeff's bother had a leaking refrigerator and Jeff had to go see about him and various other life interruptions happened. Those life interruptions are part of life.
The children's portion was on Esther and the story of how she saved her people. Many have heard and read the story of Esther and the verses from Esther Chapter 4...
13 Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews.14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”
I suppose this verse and the kids' message was still on my mind when I came across a blogpost later in the day. I have read Coffee Tea Books and Me for years and for some reason I have never entered it into my blogs on the sidebar.
That is another thing I desperately need to update. I want to share just a small portion of the post, but it is
definitely worth reading and you will find it
here. It is entitled Homesick.
Just a small excerpt...
Recently I have been thinking about how everything going on in the world has been affecting me and those I love. Being an optimist, I have found it unsettling to be concerned about the future my children and grandchildren will inherit. I have to remind myself that they were born for such a time as this... and so was I.
We can understand such Truths and still find ourselves unsettled. Spooked not unlike the deer running from and to the safety of the forest. We know God is at work in all things but how is this all going to unfold in the months and years before us?
She said what has been in my head so why try to recreate words. I hope that I am indeed ready to be a shining example of someone who realizes I was born in 1960 for such a time as this.
I also saw a wonderful message today that talked about great revivals coming out of great hardships. The message said that in 1966 the cover of Time magazine had the cover ---Is God dead? By the cover of 1971, it changed to The Jesus Revolution.
I could go on and on with more thoughts that I am going to use at our Zoom small group meeting this Wednesday, but I have some other thoughts floating around in the old noggin, so I don't want my post to become too long.
I saw this quote in a book as I was cleaning out some stuff the other day.
"Nobody knows anything about America who doesn't not know its little towns." --- Dorothy Thompson.
Oh, how I love that! It made me pause and think that if we really think about it.
There is so much good still in the small towns of America. Sin has not left and will not leave. There will always be bad, but I want more of the good. I am choosing to concentrate on the good and pray for that revival!
Another quote came from Instagram. I can't give credit, but it had me thinking too.
"August is like the Sunday of summer." or something like that.
If August is like the Sunday of summer then September in Florida or along my part of Florida would be the Sunday evening of summer. Summer doesn't leave us when September rolls around. It lingers. The light changes and you seen signs of autumn but not temperature wise.
I have the pleasure of enjoying August more in this season of life. I can embrace more summer and not be in a hurry for it to end. I sincerely hope that there will be some beach walks in the mornings of August for me. Saltwater and sand are soothing salve for my soul. There is no place that I feel His presence more than strolling along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.
AND speaking of the Gulf of Mexico, was that not the most spectacular thing watching the Space X drop right near our home in Pensacola?!!! It was surreal hearing Pensacola over and over as I watched the NASA TV portion although it was all over the local news here. IT took me back to my childhood. I was completely immersed and I also fully took in the Perseverance and Ingenuity launch last week. Yep, this space nerd is in heaven with all this space news.
Our family is hoping Pensacola wins the bid for the new home of the Space Force. I mean I can't even imagine how cool that would be!!!??? I mean...Blue Angels and Space Force. Be still my heart!
Gardening News
I will close this very long post for a quick picture of some of flowers and a few notes about that.
All planted at different times...some big, some smaller, some lopsided.
This is what happens when you avoid shopping for flowers and try to make every thing last until forever. You get flowers that are quite pretty but all different sizes and not in the least bit uniform which kind of messes with this very symmetrical loving girl. I am embracing the idea of green and white is alright for summer, and from the road all you notice is the pretty.
Mother and I are headed up "to home" (south Alabama) tomorrow to check on the cemetery and so forth.
If you made it thus far I won't post tomorrow, but maybe Wednesday with some pretty stitching.
Until then,
“Now my soul is deeply troubled. Should I pray, ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But this is the very reason I came! ---John 12:27