Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Quick Stitching Post

I had hoped to get on this week and do a post, but time has gotten away from me. This will be a quick stitching share and I will be back next week with life updates, flowerbed updates, and more.

I got the cotton boll back from the framer's. I am as pleased as punch with it.

This is going to the Auburn house. I am going to hang in the living room. It will replace a sampler that can then move to that bedroom wall where I hung the Helen Keller sampler. I will be going up at the end of the month and will take pictures to share.

Just love it!!!

I also finished an ornament for Tucker. This is from the little French cross stitch pattern book I got from Amazon. I see many more of these in my future. It is stitched on 28 count even weave in a light blue.

My fall stitching has taken a side turn. I had several smalls all kitted up, but Lindsay has put in some orders, so fall is tucked away until next summer. I am happy that she is requesting some things. I will share them more in the future.

Like I said a quick pop in today.

See ya next week,


  1. I love the frame you chose for the cotton...just perfect! And the orny is adorable. I love sweet scenes like that. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. The cotton ball framing is lovely for your stitch, it's funny how there is an optical illusion with the matting, it looks see through and i'm sure it's just a reflection. Love that your stitching things specifically for Auburn. And, now stitching for Lindsay!! I am curious as to what she requested. I love those little charming children playing in the snow, they truly remind me of Dick and Jane!

  3. Tucker's ornament is just darling! Oh Sandy, I love your cotton boll piece -- love the frame molding you went with and the oval mats. It really spotlights your stitching. I look forward to seeing what you are stitching for Lindsay. Have a fabulous weekend!

  4. Oooh, the Cotton stitch looks so pretty in its frame and matting. I love the black trim inside the wood frame.

    Love, love, love your finishing on Tucker’s ornament. How neat that you’ve got stitching requests!

  5. I love the frame and the fresh and it really features the stitching. Your Braid is amazing and that ornament will be a family heirloom!!

  6. Hello Sandy,
    the rose is so beautiful and this frame.
    The little ornament for Tucker is very cute.
    Enjoy the Sunday, Manuela

  7. I love that cotton boll, too. So perfectly stitched, and framed. And the ornament turned out so cute. I love the little charm you added to it.


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